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Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?

Let’s face it. . . None of us are getting any younger. But how old do you feel? How old does your body think you are? There are plenty of “real age” calculators available online, but do we really want to know what years of abuse to our bodies has done to our real age calculation?

Here’s the thing. It doesn’t get any better by ignoring your reality. And yes, it is possible to look, feel and really be younger (extend your healthy lifespan) with lifestyle tweaks. Often we think that adapting a healthy lifestyle means giving up the foods we love, and torturing ourselves with rigorous exercise routines. Quite frankly, it’s just the opposite. When you choose to live a healthy lifestyle, you’ll look, feel and really be younger and you don’t have to give up the foods you love!

But you’ve heard the commercials promising fast weight loss and a swimmer’s body. Ha ha! When your meals are conveniently delivered to your door, you’re shocked at the minuscule size of the servings and compensate with your hidden bag of chips and quart of ice cream. Moreover, the food is not what you’re used to eating and tastes like cardboard. Hunger increases and you lay in bed not able to sleep thinking of a piece of chocolate cake topped with whipped cream and smothered in hot fudge.

A successful healthy lifestyle must include your favorite foods (revised of course to optimize nutrition), and activity but not hours of endless cardio. Science proves it. . . The “eat less, move more” model just doesn’t work. In fact, it actually slows your metabolism and trains your body to live on fewer and fewer calories promoting the dreaded “yo yo diet effect.”

It’s time to eat more and feel like moving more because you’re no longer tired, lazy and carrying around extra pounds. I want to help you stop the madness and live life to its fullest. Let’s chat for just 15 minutes and get started with your lifestyle tweaks that will lead to your new “real age”.


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